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The Magic of Maple

East Hill Farm: The Magic of MapleThe sap is running and soon maple sugar houses all around New England will be busy turning that sweet nectar into the glorious liquid gold that we all crave! Whether you drizzle it on top of your pancakes or use it in your favorite recipe, maple syrup always adds the right amount of sweetness to your meal. This video will take you back to earlier days of sap collecting and maple syrup production.

Maple Sugar HouseNot only does pure maple syrup make your taste buds happy but it also boasts powerful health benefits. It is packed with compounds that have been shown to help fight Type 2 diabetes. Maple syrup has earned the title of “Superfood”, due to its high levels of immune boosting antioxidants, high amounts of zinc, potassium, calcium and manganese. Who knew that good nutrition could taste so delicious! Check out this article to learn much more about this powerful superfood!

Four Fun Facts

  • It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of pure maple syrup
  • 4 Tablespoons of syrup has the same antioxidant value as one serving of broccoli
  • The New Hampshire maple industry produces about 90,000 gallons of maple syrup
    during the short sugaring season beginning in mid-February until mid-April
  • There are four different grades of syrup each one has a distinct flavor and color. The new grading system is in its first full year of use.

NH maple syrup gradesIf you want to take a closer look into the world of maple sugaring, check out the New Hampshire Maple Weekend Open House March 19-21, 2016. Sugar makers from around the state are inviting guests to stop in to tour their operations and see how sugaring really works. For more information on the open house visit  NH Maple Producers Website.

Now that you know that this sweet treat is actually good for you, head to your local farmer’s market or Co-op and stock up!

What’s your favorite way to use maple syrup?


  1. Barbara on March 3, 2016 at 5:50 pm

    I’m interest in sapping

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