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Six Farm Workouts to Accompany Your Farm Stay

Ding! Ding! Ding! The bell rings and it is time for another wholesome, hearty meal accompanied by those delicious fritters! There is no doubt that the food in the dining room is welcoming and oh so filling. So after a few days, how guests fit yet another serving into their bellies? Better yet, how can they fit just one more of those homemade cookies? Check out these top 6 workouts to accompany your farm stay and help you always feel ready for the next meal:

1.Shake! Shake! Shake!
Visit the barn staff and learn how to make butter! After 15-20 minutes of shaking that mason jar, your arms will be feeling the burn and that butter will taste even more satisfying.

2. Take a walk in the woods!
Whether hiking on our property, going for a walk with friends around the pond, snow shoeing on the trails, or hiking up Gap Mountain or Mount Monadnock, there are several different ways to connect with nature and get your feet moving.

3. Giddy-Up!
Sign-up in the barn for a trail ride! The horses may do the walking, but you will feel the burn in your legs as well!

4. Put on some skis!
Whether water skiing on Silver Lake in the summer or cross-country skiing on our back-country ski trails during the winter months, you are sure to wear a smile and some sweat.

5. 1…2…3…Dodgeball!
If you think going for a run gets your heart racing, just wait for the thrill of a spirited dodgeball game.

6. Complete your list of chores!
No, not vacuuming or another load of laundry. Ask the barn staff to help with daily chores in the barn. You’ll get the true farm experience and the true farmer brawn.

What’s your favorite way to stay in shape at East Hill Farm?

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