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Ice Out!

Ice Out! Those two words signal the official start of spring as the ice leaves Perkins Pond for the season.

So what is ice out? The concept started in New Hampshire in 1887 at Lake Winnipesaukee and is declared every spring once the ice has melted enough for the M/S Mount Washington to navigate to all five of its ports. It is an unscientific record that was initially declared by people on shore and is now declared by a pilot who flies over the lake daily. For the scientific community, it is a way to track the number of ice cover days, chemical and biological changes to lakes, and climactic changes. For everyone else, including everyone at East Hill Farm, it is an exciting moment that means spring has arrived.

perkins pond at east hill farm

The pond is getting slushy as the days warm up.

Today, from the shoreline, we are declaring ice out for Perkins Pond. This means that spring has officially sprung at East Hill Farm! Dennis will be planting flowers and gardens around the property, the recreation schedule will introduce more outdoor activities, and the horses are getting back out on the trails. With springtime comes several fun weekends at the Farm, including Cooking with Kids and Connect with Nature.

perkins pond at east hill farm

The ice is almost gone on the edges of the pond.

Things are hopping at East Hill Farm this spring. During the week, we offer barn tours for local pre-school and elementary school students; tour buses stop by to enjoy the babies in the barn, the views around the property, and a hot meal; and several Farm School groups are ready to put in some hard work around the barn.

Ice out on perkins pond at east hill farm

Ice out on Perkin’s Pond!

It’s Ice Out! Bring on Spring!




  1. Marilyn F. on April 19, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    Well, that is just wonderful news. You will be getting ready for a busy summer season soon. It is just beautiful there. The barn tours sound great for the kids and getting help around the barn with farm school groups must be a blessing. Enjoy your opening up for a new year.

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