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Green Initiatives

East Hill Farm’s Environmental 
Statement of Commitment
Preserve, Protect and Inspire

image002conserveEast Hill Farm is traveling a green path toward a better world for now and the future.  We are committed to sustainable business practices which include compliance with environmental regulations, including advancement of environmental awareness, reduction of emissions and waste, and conservation of energy.


Here are some green initiatives we are currently engaged in:

  • Energy efficient T8 fluorescent lighting is installed in all fixtures in office and back of the house locations.
  • CFL installed in majority of light fixtures in guest rooms and CFL disposal plan is in place.
  • Energy efficient LED Exit signs are used throughout the property.
  • Low flow shower heads and low volume toilets are installed in most guest rooms.
  • We landscape with native plants and perennials to minimize watering needs.
  • Composting program in place for on site use.
  • Animals are provided water with automatic watering devices.
  • Daily monitoring of pools and spas is done to detect any water loss.
  • Liquid pool cover is used on heated pools to prevent water loss.
  • Guests are encouraged to participate in towel and linen reuse program and the use of washable mugs instead of disposable cups.
  • Staff and guests are requested to shut off lights and electronics when not in use.
  • When guest rooms are not occupied, thermostats are lowered.
  • Scrap paper generated in office is reused or recycled.
  • Double sided copying is done whenever possible.
  • Office participates in ink cartridge recycling.
  • Recycling program in place for paper, cardboard, glass, tin and plastic.
  • Kitchen waste oils are donated to The Alternative Fuel Foundation for use as biofuel.
  • We use products made from recycled materials whenever possible.
  • Non-meat food waste from the dining room and kitchen is fed to our pigs or composted at the Farm.
  • Conservation practices are in place in the barn including roof gutters, riparian buffer area, wetlands fencing and manure storage.
  • Rare breed animal conservation and protection plan in place.
  • Biological Fly control program is in use to reduce flys in the barn area in a non-chemical way.
  • We have established a Green Team to review and revise green policies and practices.
  • Staff attends seminars to continue our environmental education.

NHSLRP_EnvPartnerEast Hill Farm is proud to report that we received Environmental Partner status 
from the New Hampshire Sustainable Lodging & Restaurant Program!