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Ask a Farmer: Callie Goes on Maternity Leave

Callie, our wonderful dairy cow, is due to have a calf this August! She is always reliable and friendly, patiently allowing many guests to learn how to milk a cow over the years. Our farmers have been working diligently to dry up her milk supply. A dairy cow needs to take off the last few weeks of pregnancy from being milked to conserve energy and help her have an ample supply of life-saving colostrum ready for her newborn.

Callie Cow at East Hill FarmWe are sorry to say that we will be unable to milk Callie until her calf is born but our guests can still come meet her, take a picture with her, and help us come up with a name for the calf. Her calf’s name needs to start with the letter ‘C’ and we will vote once her calf is born.

Callie Cow at East Hill FarmIn the meantime, guests can come to the barn at 9:00 every morning and Luna, our Sannen dairy goat, will be there to greet you and allow you the opportunity to hand milk a goat!

Thank you for your understanding…Callie appreciates it!







  1. Marilyn F. on July 21, 2016 at 8:31 am

    Ahhhh . . . may Callie have an easy birth!!! She has such good care.

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