Winter Fun at East Hill Farm
Pull on your snow pants and zip up your coats. Put on your hat, mittens, and boots. We are going outside for winter fun – sledding!

Sledding has been around for centuries. In ancient Egypt, wooden sleds (sledges) moved large stones from quarries to pyramid-building sites. The Oseberg Viking ship (buried in 834) was excavated in 1904 and three ornate sleds were uncovered. Indigenous peoples of northern Canada traditionally used toboggans for transportation and recreation. Guests of East Hill Farm have been enjoying this fun winter activity for years.

In the 1940s, a 600-foot rope tow was built to bring sledders and skiers to the top of the slope behind the present-day barn. Skiers and sledders would glide and coast to the bottom of the hill, wave to the horses and head back up for another run!

The rope tow operated weather permitting weekends and school vacation weeks until the early eighties.
As the barnyard and pastures have evolved over the years, so has our sledding routine. The rope tow is an icon of the past and we now sled near the tennis court on a more accessible hill. Whether you have gone sledding on a toboggan, flexible flyer, snow tube, lunch tray, or saucer, it is a winter activity that brings laughter and joy on every run. Do you have a favorite winter adventure memory from East Hill Farm?

Are you looking for some winter fun for your family? Call us today to reserve your winter vacation!
Visit our calendar of events for dates.