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Beyond The Fritter Blog

Compost Happens…at EHF!

By Jennifer | April 29, 2014 |

Throughout the years guests have spoken to us with curiosity about the food they see going back into the kitchen after a meal. You might wonder what we do with food waste at the Farm. Here is a summary of how we deal with leftover food. Left over food that has not been placed on…

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Farm Fare: Homemade East Hill Farm Bread

By Jennifer | April 14, 2014 |

Ah, springtime! We have been waiting months to be able to fling open the windows and drink in the clean spring air.  That sweet, sun-warmed breeze carries with it all of the sounds and smells that mean springtime at the Farm: the joyful whinnies, baas, oinks, moos and hee-haws as the animals are able to…

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Barn Babies…the numbers are in!

By Jennifer | April 2, 2014 |

The East Hill Farm nursery has been very active over the past few months!           We have kids, lambs, piglets, calves, and bunnies everywhere. It has sometimes been difficult to find space for everyone! Here are the latest stats on new additions since the start of 2014. Lambs: 22 8 sets…

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Introducing Beyond the Fritter!

By Jennifer | March 24, 2014 |

We are very excited to announce the arrival of our new and improved website as well as introduce our blog…Beyond the Fritter! We have been working hard on the website to include all the information you will need to plan your Family Vacation, Farm School Stay, Adult Mid-Week Getaway, Business Conference, Dance Weekend or Retreat.…

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