Posts Tagged ‘new hampshire’
Notorious 1920s Party Girl, Madam Sherri
A scenic 40-minute drive from East Hill Farm in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, lies a forest with much more meaning than people may know. Madame Sherri’s Forest holds breathtaking views and wonderful hiking trails, but the land also holds many stories of a time passed. Antoinette Bramare, or “Madame Sherri” grew up in Paris, France. In…
Read MoreWinter Fun at East Hill Farm
Pull on your snow pants and zip up your coats. Put on your hat, mittens, and boots. We are going outside for winter fun – sledding! Sledding has been around for centuries. In ancient Egypt, wooden sleds (sledges) moved large stones from quarries to pyramid-building sites. The Oseberg Viking ship (buried in 834) was excavated in…
Read MoreHello Winter! A Story Walk
“…Winter fringes every boughWith his fantastic wreath,And puts the seal of silence nowUpon the leaves beneath…”-Thoreau The days are getting colder here on the farm and the winter darkness seems to be creeping in earlier and earlier. This is the time of year that wood is being chopped and stored in our cellar. Animals come…
Read MoreAsk a Farmer: Barn cupolas are not just for decoration.
As I work with old barn preservation around the state, I get many inquiries from photographers and historians about the beauty and uniqueness of barn cupolas. These structures on top of barn roofs were more than decorations, they functioned as part of the ventilation system. Although hay is dry when it is put into the…
Read MoreHistory of East Hill Farm: The 2000s
What a journey the past 74 years have been! From the early days of housing only 30 guests, to our current capacity of 140, we have been fortunate to meet and make many lifelong friends that call East Hill Farm their home away from home. You are truly our extended Farm family! The Inn at…
Read MoreFarm Fare: Maple Walnut Chicken
It’s March and sap will soon begin flowing from maple trees, providing farmers with the sweet liquid they need to make delicious NH Maple Syrup. One of our favorite East Hill Farm recipes is Maple Walnut Chicken. The secret is to use only pure maple syrup, preferably harvested in NH. Add this recipe to your…
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